How do you chosen texts attract their audiences?
This text is a Hybrid text, drawing in a action/fantasy and adventure type of audiences, meaning that a wider community can be engaged. Additionally, with an ensemble cast, this supports a huge audience. The reason for this type of cast is that each character represents something morally and as a individual. Various members of the audience can relate to specific characters e.g an asian female could relate to 'Sun' as she has a eastern cultural background knowing her role as a women. In the cooking scene between 'Sun' and 'Jin', roles and a hierarchy is present with clear distinction of male importance and females perceived as weak and suppressed. In the short scene, Sun picks up food Jin is cooking, he reacts with a slap to her wrists. Moreover, this shows a difference in cultural acceptance, in most cases a modern western audience would see this as a negative perception of a eastern world/culture. Props theory is in play within the cast e.g Jack as the hero, being portrayed positive and morally right, another example is Kate being refereed to as a princess. These characters would both appeal to members of the audience as they are two of the positive figures included in the text.
This texts appeals to its audience using several uses and gratifications. Unlike 'lost' targeting a wider more diverse audience, 'Madmen' target a more precise audience.In the episode there still remains characters in which the audience can relate to and aspire to be. In the scene where Joan meets the business man to convince him seductively to be in support of the jaguar pitch, she is portrayed as using her body/reference to a prostitute to gain more power and work her way up the hierarchy. The business man takes off her lingerie, signifying Joan to being easy access sexually for males, portraying females in a negative manor.On the other hand Joan is been adviced by 'Pete' to do this for the good of the copmany, this signifying and support the idea that males are presented with total power and dominance over women in this era. The contrast to this is Peggy, who is symbolised as a hardworking female, an example of this is in the cafe scene between Peggy and her new boss, talking about her new job prospect. The scene indicates Peggy as a female who has worked hard to get to her position unlike Joan who has had to make sexual sacrifices.
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